If so please fill out the form below so we can get to know you better. It will also help keep in touch with you and let you know what’s going on at the school. Thank you in advance and we look forward to see you in class.
Second Phone
Physical ConditioningAthletic SkillInner PeaceBetter GradesMore EnergySelf DisciplineSelf-ConfidenceTemper ControlWeight ControlOther:Better ConcentrationBetter Mental AttitudeSelf-DefenseRespect for Self/Others
(#1.) Will you be living in the area for at least one year? yesno
(#2.) Are you in good health and with no physical problems? yesno
(#3.) Can you take lessons at an average of twice per week? yesno
(#4.) Do you have a place to practice what you learn in class? yesno
(#5.) Are you willing to develop mental discipline? yesno
(#6.) Is a current member sponsoring you? yesno
[group SponsoredStudent clear_on_hide] If so whom? [/group]
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